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来源:当代家庭教育 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-08 07:26





Some of my earliest memories come from my grandmother, my Popo. She taught me how to make origami and how to make dumplings. What I remember most however is her pulling me close and speaking to me and my sisters in her warm and elegant Mandarin Chinese. I could always distinguish her meaning from the tone of her voice- cautioning,caring, and always loving — but I could only truly understand a few concrete phrases.

When I began studying Chinese with the first class of the Archmere Confucius Institute, I knew that I would gain a deeper insight and understanding into my grandmother and her culture. I learned the rich history behind the moon cakes she cooked for us and how to write beautiful Chinese calligraphy. I used the Chinese name she had given me — 欧莉雅 - everyday in class.

Performing at the Confucius Institute, I was able to try on beautiful traditional clothing and sing and dance with a whole family of people who were enthusiastic about learning and exploring Chinese language and culture. Learning Chinese pushed me outside of my comfort zone so much so that I was happy to sing and dance Chinese songs in a “flash mob” with my class in front of the entire got a lot of laughs and smiles, but I was simply proud to show off what I had learned. We also got the opportunity to travel to Chinatown in Philadelphia last year. We spent weeks preparing by learning how to order food in Chinese and different words for directions and transportation. In Chinatown, we were able to buy souvenirs and order bubble tea in Chinese with the help of our Chinese teacher. It was amazing to practice everything we spent so much time , after three years of hard work in Chinese class, my two classmates and I were Archmere’s first National Chinese Honor Society inductees. The Confucius Institute has given my school an amazing opportunity to expand its boundaries and culture.

My grandmother passed away last year in January, but I will never forget how pleased she was to receive a handwritten Chinese card from me and practice Chinese with me over the phone. Learning Chinese has given me a chance to reconnect with my mother’s side of the family. When I visit them this summer, I can converse with them in their native language and show a greater appreciation and understanding for their culture. I will always be grateful to the Confucius Institute and my amazing teacher for providing me the tools to reconnect with my Popo and the Chinese culture that is and always will be a part of me.

文章来源:《当代家庭教育》 网址: http://www.ddjtjyzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0508/1204.html


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