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来源:当代家庭教育 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-08 07:26
摘要:一、雅思“家庭类”题材考情分析 “家庭类”题材在雅思考试中有一定的出现频率,平均每年出现2-3次。考点及分布如下: 1. 家庭分工,现在男女都是



1. 家庭分工,现在男女都是全职工作,男女需不需要平分家务。

2. 家庭教育,包括:(1)要不要送孩子去托儿所;(2)家长是否应该学习育儿课程;(3)孩子犯错时,应该怎样教育孩子。

3. 小家庭生活,包括:(1)人们趋于独自生活或者小家庭生活的原因和影响;(2)城市里人们独自生活或小家庭生活的趋势是好是坏。

4. 家族历史,越来越多的人希望找到自己家族历史的原因以及这一趋势是好是坏。

“家庭类”话题,有如下观点可资借鉴:(1)男女平分家务有助于相互沟通,增进感情;(2)不能为了工作而牺牲与家人共度的时间,陪伴家人是幸福的重要源泉;(3)大家庭(extended family)和小家庭(nuclear family)各有利弊。


1. Nowadays, many people think that parents should take a parenting course to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2016/05/28)

2. In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Does advantages outweigh disadvantages? (2016/02/27)

3. Some working parents believe childcare centres can provide best care for children, others think other family members like grandparents can do. Discuss

1 唐伟胜,广东外语外贸大学教授,博士,英美文学研究专家。both views and give your own opinion. (2015/03/14)



When children do wrong, do you think they should be punished? How to punish them?


The issue about punishment on children has always been discussed in these days. From my perspective, I strongly agree with the opinion that punishment can help children realise the difference between right and wrong, although some slight problems still exist.

The reason why punishment seems to be a must is that this is one of the most efficient method to teach the kids what is right. By criticizing the children who have done something by mistake, they are aware of the danger or wrong of their behaviours. As a result, children will be afraid of to do such a kind of things, which is of benefit to their future life.

Although the advantage of punishment is undoubtedly true, the opponents would argue that it might make the kids feel inferior to others. A good case in point is that if a kid is beaten by their parents in front of his classmates, he will regard it as humiliation. When he is faced with his classmates, he might feel inactive and being separated from his friends, which may lead to long-term mental diseases including depression and anxiety.

According to the above words I have said, punishment is necessary while the methods must be chosen carefully. For example, kids’ mood must be taken good care of so that he can realise his false. Objective persuasion is recommended while the violent behaviours is banned. Since the aim is to help them grow but not to punish them.

To sum up, children are our future so we should pay more attention to our ways of punishment.






The issue about punishment on children has always been discussed in these days. From my perspective, I strongly agree with the opinion that punishment can help children realise the difference between right and wrong, although some slight problems still exist.

[老雅修改] The issue about punishment of children has always been discussed these days. From my perspective, I strongly agree that punishment can help children realise the difference between right and wrong, although kinds of punishment that parents and teachers are allowed to use ought to be more carefully considered.

[老雅评析](1)“I strongly agree with the opinion that...”是累赘表达,可简化为“I strongly agree that...”。(2)although some slight problems still exist的意义所指模糊,应该明确指出到底是什么问题。第一段的最后一句话往往统领全文观点,应该尽可能将自己的观点表达明确。根据下文,这里实际上是想表达“我同意应该给孩子惩罚,但至于惩罚的方式,则应该小心选择”,因此修改文将此明确指出。

文章来源:《当代家庭教育》 网址: http://www.ddjtjyzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0508/1208.html


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